
Travis believes all pie, except apple, is transformational.  Further, strongly held beliefs include him being an avid fly-fisherman and big game hunter in addition to a proper chocolate chip cookie being a semi-religious experience.

Of less interest, Travis was one of the first franchisees with Taco Del Mar before purchasing and running Mulleadys Irish Pub & Restaurant for over fifteen years.  Travis has participated in events such as regional bartending competitions and cooking exhibitions.   Through this time Travis has been fortunate to be able to work alongside incredibly talented individuals which has enabled a comprehensive understanding of every aspect and job that a restaurant has to offer, giving him invaluable insight into the food industry.  Travis’ educational background is a maligned mix of the Babson College School of Entrepreneurship, the United States Marine Corps, and various dish pits, prep tables, and speed racks through the Pacific Northwest.

Travis and his business partner Sean founded Preservation Meat Collective, a company that focuses on sustainable and ethical meat distribution. Together, they have started and owned multiple companies with a commitment to supporting regenerative farming operations.

Travis is fortunate to have a wonderfully supportive and patient wife, two incredible kids, and their furry friends, a dog, and a cat (that are his family's animals, not his).